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Dr. Kadeghe Fue

CEO & Co-Founder
  • Affiliation: Mifumo Developers Lab
  • Country: TANZANIA


Meet Dr. Kadeghe "Kade" Goodluck Fue, a multi-talented professional specialising in Digital and Data-Driven Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. He is a member of various prestigious organisations, including SUASA, IET, IEEE, ASABE, AAAS, and AUVSI. Dr. Fue has extensive knowledge in Precision Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Vision, Agricultural Robotics, Agricultural Data Science, and Earth Data Science.

He earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, followed by a Master's degree in Precision Agriculture from the University of Florida and a PhD in Agricultural Robotics from the University of Georgia, both in the United States. With over 13 years of experience, Dr. Fue specialises in full-stack development, integrating hardware-software systems and creating innovative algorithms for autonomy and AI in the agricultural and natural resource sectors. He is the co-Founder and CEO at Mifumo Developers Lab, as well as a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the School of Engineering and Technology, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). As the Principal Investigator at the Electronics and Precision Agriculture Lab (EPAL), Dr. Fue has led collaborations and funding from various countries.